
Saturday, October 31, 2015


Life is...Service

October 31st...what a great day to thank the men and women who serve our country. Why? Because it’s just another day; just another day we have freedom of speech, freedom to worship, and so many other freedoms we take for granted, because we’ve been blessed to live in this great nation. 

“As a country, our best days are not behind us but in front of us.” Do you believe this? Honestly, when I first heard this at a Red Rocks concert I did not. Daily we are reminded and convinced that this statement is as far from the truth as it can be. But is it? I am not under the illusion that everything is great, by all means it’s not, but are we ready to believe that our country can be great again? Will we “fight” for the idea that this country has more to offer our children, grandchildren, great-great-great grandchildren? For God “changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.” Daniel 2:21 It is scary yet peaceful to realize that God is in control of our government, the good, the bad, the deception, the triumph...all of it. 

It’s easy for me to get caught up in the doom and gloom of this country (and this world), but today I want to stop and appreciate those that continue to see the good, the possibilities, in people...those that put others above themselves whether it be the Marine, the firefighter, or even the cop who gives out speeding tickets to unappreciative motorists.

Thank you and God Bless America!

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Life is...Peace

I walked into my grandpa’s room and immediately bawled. I tried to stop, knowing it wouldn’t help him, but this was not my grandpa. He was not the man who gave me rides in the nail bin at the hardware store where he worked, not the man who took us to Chicago to see the Cubs play, not the man who bid on a pinochle hand before picking up his cards...and mostly won the hand, to my dismay :) 

Though his body was still there, his spirit seemed absent.
It had only been a few months since I saw him, but the change was drastic. 
I attempted to talk about the weather, football, Christmas...nothing. Not knowing what to do, how to spend this one-on-one time with the grandpa I loved, knowing it was probably one of the last times I’d have, I held his hand and read the Christmas story - Matthew (minus the first 17 verses :)

An instant peace fell over us. His hands stopped shaking, the constant moaning ceased, and all was still. He even began to really hold my hand and truly be present. If I stopped for a drink the shaking and moaning returned, but as soon as I began reading it was an immediate change...a Christmas miracle.
Our time ended with Grandpa being able to tell me, “I love you!”

Though I want to remember my grandpa as he was before that day, I will always treasure the special moments we shared on our last Christmas Day together as I read about Jesus coming into the world to dwell among us and His promises.

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