Life is...Breastfeeding and a World Hurting
I was reminiscing this morning about when David and Rachel were babies. I was fortunate to be able to breastfeed them, and anytime they would get a cold or start to feel sick I would give them extra kisses deliberately trying to get the germs they had, because I knew I could fight it easier than they could. I was stronger, and I could pass those antibodies on to them.
Now our world is facing extreme sickness.
Physical, yes, but also emotional, mental, financial, spiritual...I am not saying deliberately try to get sick (that would not be helpful), but the same thought process applies as it did when I was breastfeeding.
I am strong. Let me help!
How can you help someone who is hurting? Are they physically sick, are they lonely, did they lose their job, have they lost hope?
Since March we have prayed daily for our family's health, but we always ask for health so that we can bless others.
"God, thank you for our health. Please continue to keep us healthy so that we can bless others. Be with those who are not healthy. Let us see them and be willing and able to help."
Right now I am strong. How can I help you?