
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Potty Training

What I Learned from Potty Training

-A lifetime skill may take years, but once you truly learn it you have it for life.
-I’m not in control of my son. I can help him, love him, and show him the right way, but it’s up to him to decide.
-There will be mistakes made in public, like peeing in your “big boy underwear” :)
-When you think you’ve learned something - you probably haven’t. There are always steps back.
-Chocolate and gifts work better than stickers, no matter how much you don't want to resort to them :)
-Getting frustrated and upset does absolutely no good - it actually hinders.
-Sometimes you have to go somewhere you don’t want to - into the men’s bathroom to get your son, because he knows he’s a boy, not a girl :) 
-This is only one of the first life skills that must be taught - Here’s to parents who teach their children these life lessons and learn something themselves! :)